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Special Education


The Middle School Special Education Department offers academic, social and emotional support to all students with identified disabilities, as per the District’s Continuum on Special Education. If you have any questions or concerns about Special Education at Woodmere Middle School, please contact Mrs. Laura Guggino-Hastings, Chairperson at 792-4380.

Resource Room:

The Resource Room program offers academic support with an emphasis on skills development. Resource Room lessons are based on students’ Individual Educational Plan (IEP) goals. Students also receive reinforcement of content presented in their grade level general education classes.

Integrated Co-Teaching Program:

Integrated Co-Teaching provides classroom support by both a certified content area teacher and a certified special teacher within the students’ general education classes. Additionally, students in our Co-Teaching Program may also attend a small-group support classes led by a special education instructor. The program aims to improve students’ understanding of the general education curriculum, remediate Individual Educational Plan goals and promote good organization and study skills.

Special Class 15:1:1 Program:

The Special Class 15:1:1 Classes provides small group instruction for students who require remediation of basic skills. The program focuses on targeted skills across all areas of the curriculum. Students in the Special Class 15:1:1 Program are exposed to numerous hands-on experiences which support content area learning. The content covered in Social Studies and Science classes is aligned with State Curriculum. Students receiving Small Group Reading support, as a related service are instructed by a reading specialist in a small group.     

Special Class 8:1:2 Program:

The Special Class 8:1:2 Program provides services to students with academic and social needs beyond what is available in general education and Special Class 15:1:1 classes. Instructional units are aligned with Common Core Standards and are developed based on individual student goals. The students are involved in a variety of subjects, from traditional academics to life skills topics (i.e. kitchen and pre-vocational skills). The students participate in field trips designed to reinforce skills that have been taught in the classroom.

Speech and Language:

Speech and Language Pathologists provide services for students on an individual and small group basis. Students identified for Speech and Language services work on improving both receptive and expressive language skills.