Physical Education
In Physical Education, a safe environment is the priority at all three grade levels. The students are taught how to understand and manage their personal and community athletic opportunities. Each level has specific units and progressions.
Physical Education Grade 6:
Each unit begins with basic skill progression. Lead-up activities are designed to promote practice with modified competition. Team sports and fitness activities are included. Cooperative games/activities are designed to encourage mutual respect within a group. Fitness units are included in the Fall and in the Spring. The students are graded on preparation for class, effort, skill tests, and being respectful and courteous of peers and teacher. Classes meet every other day for the entire school year.
Physical Education Grade 7:
While primary skill progression in team sports is still followed in the seventh grade, strategies and game competition are added to the activities. Playing the game properly is emphasized over winning. Fitness units are included in the Fall and in the Spring. Additional cooperative games are chosen to develop problem-solving strategies, as well as mutual respect within the group. Grading follows the same format as in the sixth grade. Classes meet every other day for the entire school year.
Physical Education Grade 8:
The eighth grade curriculum continues the skill progression, strategies and game competition introduced in the seventh grade. Eighth graders are given some choices during the course of the year, as students are permitted to select units they would like to do. Fitness units are included in the Fall and in the Spring. Cooperative games are chosen to develop problem-solving strategies, trust and group dynamics, as well as mutual respect within the group. Grading follows the same format as in the sixth and seventh grades. Classes meet every other day for the entire school year.