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History Fair

             History Fair Research         

There are many sources you can use for history fair research.
Use the links below to begin the research process:

Different Sources in Which You Can Find Information:

1) Books

a) WMS Library - To search for books in the WMS library, click on the WMS OPAC link on the left side of this page.

b) Hewlett-Woodmere Public Library - To search for books in the public library, go to Be sure to choose Hewlett-Woodmere from the drop down box that says "View All Libraries". You can also use Advanced Search to choose books from the children's room only.

2) Databases:

a)World Book Online:

username: hewlett

password: (see Mrs. Walsh)

b) SIRS Issues Researcher, Discoverer, and Decades

username: woodmere11

password: (see Mrs. Walsh)

c) Hewlett Woodmere Public Library Databases

3) Websites:

Primary Sources: Here are some sites through which you can search for primary sources -

Primary Sources

Library of Congress

You Must Also Write an Annotated Bibliography

  • For the History Fair, you must write an annotated bibliography, which is a bibliography that explains why each source was useful to you.

  • For the History Fair, you must separate your bibliography into two sections: Primary Sources and Secondary Sources.
  • Here is an example of an Annotated Bibliography

  • To make your bibliography, use Use Google login and use your school Google account.

For more help with the History Fair, visit the library during extra help, or get a pass to come in during recess!